January 09, 2007

Swatch swatch

Yesss, I am going to make me another sweater! After the sad disaster with the Green-white snowflake sweater ( I still cringe when I think of it, it was so pretty, and then I destroyed it. ), I did not think I would have the mojo to make another sweater for a long time. But oh, how I do!

I made a swatch out of Jaeger Shetland Aran (20% Alpaca, 80% Virgin Wool - where did the Shetland go?), that I got on Ebay.uk for 45$ /pack including shipping to Denmark :) It is a pretty sky blue, and I have a picture somewhere....

Just moss stitch on US8's, but I love this stitch so much, it might almost be considered an obsession. (I even knit my nephews sleeves out of it even though it was about to drive me batty). It looks really good, and if I knit the middle size (126 cm at underarm! wow), I should be able to eke it out of my 10 balls with 186 yards (supposedly), as opposed to the Bainin wool Starmore specifies and that is long unavailible, and that runs 150 yards to the same weight. She is using 11/12 balls, but I also want to modify the neck (It has a ridiculously large neckhole, that just looks mightily silly.

Edit: I knitted another square when the first square on 5mm/8's had a gauge of 16 st/10 cm instead of 19 st/10 cm. The square knitted on 4.5mm/7's hit the gauge exactly - prewashing! Time will show how it behaves when I have washed it. I have heard tales about weird gauge issues with AS (How funny, that's just how Aspergers is written in short: AS) pattern. I might knit it with the loose gauge, or not, because I will, as I am wont to do, knit in it round as long as I can. Edit End

I am sorry, but no picture: I forgot the cam at home! Argh!!

Have a really nice day


PS: I have not stopped knitting lace. I just felt the need for a new sweater to comfort me after the previous desaster.

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